Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Follicular Frustration

I went in for more bloodwork this morning and they took 8 vials! I nearly passed out from the sight of them. You'd think after four nights of sticking myself, I'd be used to needles but they still bother me.

I got a call from the RE's office this afternoon that my E2 level is only at 36 so they're upping my dosage from 75 mg of Bravelle to 112.5 mg. The clinic I go is very conservative with injectables -- they'd rather start out slowly and increase than risk over-stimming. In theory, this makes sense. I don't want to have to cancle a cycle because my ovaries are over stimulated. But after four nights of injecting myself, I was hoping to see a little more progress. Oh well. If I've learned anything through my IF trials and tribulations, it's that patience is a virtue.

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