Sunday, April 6, 2008

Seeing Red

I'll start with a warning. TMI ahead....

The freakiest thing happened the night before last. I was putting in my progesterone suppository and the applicator came out with red-ish CM on it. I immediately got scared and inserted my finger to check for more and it came out covered in red blood. Seeing something like that made my heart sink. Spotting can be scary after a BFP but red blood is absolutely terrifying. I know that lots of people spot and bleed during their pregnancies and go on to have healthy babies but it's hard this early on to stay positive when you see something like that. I went to bed that night praying that everything was okay and that when I woke up the bleeding would have stopped. And sure enough, the next morning there wasn't even a spot of red. That was a relief but I wasn't feeling 100% better yet. To try to calm myself down I read up on bleeding in my pregnancy books which said this type of thing can be normal and that blood with clotting is more of a cause for concern. I also posted on the Success After Infertility board on the Nest and found that several other people there had experienced the same thing, especially while they were on progesterone suppositories which can irritate the cervix when they're inserted. That made me feel about 80% better but I don't think I'll feel like we're out of the woods until our sonogram on Tuesday. The next two days can't go by fast enough!

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