Last summer, someone on The Nest posted about a psychic who sends predictions via e-mail and specializes in fertility. I'm not a huge believer is psychics, but after almost a year of TTC, I was looking for answers anywhere I could get them so I sent my payment in via Paypal and waited to hear back about when I would get pregnant. Here's what she replied:
"I am currently being shown December and it will be a girl."
So when December came and went with no BFP, I laughed at myself for thinking an Internet psychic could accurately predict anything about my life.
When I got my BFP last weekend, I immediately plugged TVB's conception date into a due date calendar (the one benefit of dealing with IF and having an IUI is that you know exactly when your baby was conceived!) and it turns out we're due December 9th. Seeing December made me think back to the psychic's prediction, so I dug through my old e-mails to find hers. And guess what line followed the one above?
"December is either the conception month, the month you find out in or the birth month."
I literally got chills when I read it. I guess back in August, I wasn't ready to think that it might take me another six months to get pregnant and just kind of ignored the part that said December might be the birth month. But here we are with a baby due in December and I'm wondering what else in her prediction might be true. I guess we'll find out 16 weeks from now when we find out TVB's sex.
UPDATE: I've been asked for info on the psychic I used. Here's a link --
The Baby Psychic.